Friday, July 29, 2011

Duriannnnnn Marathon!

Ramadhan's approaching very soon, and today my boyfriend's making a pot-luck before Ramadhan and the main course will be his yummeehh shepherd pie :) He invited his friends, old friends, new friends, classmates, and for whom I know, I can't wait to see you guys... Loveee gathering, it's kinda hard nowadays to gather your friends at one time in one place. So people, make yourself free okay?^^

this picture is googled, when I'm back, I'll upload Temir's Musang King alright? ;p

Not to mention, today I''m eating shepherd pie and on Sunday I'm definitely going for Durian Marathon :D Adrenaline rush bila sebut Durian Marathon... duhhh see, it's happening again ;p If you guys ever read my previous post on Lembah Temir or Temir Valley, mesti dah boleh agak where I'm going for this Durian Marathon. Due to the info, Musang King dah jatuh ke tanah, boleh tak nak excited? hahah. Imagining, after eating durian and delicious foods provided there, and jumping into the fresh cold waterfall... Stress-free day!!! :):):)

However, not to forget, selamat menyambut Ramadhan to all Muslims :) It's a great opportunity to improve ourselves, to avoid doing things that we should not be doing even in normal days... Solat terawih jgn lupa, tapi penting lagi solat 5 waktu :) I'm saying this as a reminder to myself and all my friends out there, let's hope we'll do better this time and pray we'll still be able to meet Ramadhan again Insya Allah. 

With lots of love, Hanii.

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