Thursday, August 18, 2011

With all the respect I have, I am asking you to move on too... I've let go and please do the same.

Allah Maha Adil. Kalau sekali kau khianat orang, mungkin sebagai balasan kau tak kena khianat, tapi perasaan dendam will stay with you forever, kau kau tak boleh nak let go of someone yang kau khianat. Kau tak boleh tengok dia bahagia... Siapa yang terasa, siapa suruh kau stalk aku punya blog? Dari dulu sampai sekarang, kau rasa aku suka nak tulis pasal kau... Aku cuma nak convey msg, aku boleh terima kalau kau tikam aku dari belakang, tapi sampaikan kawan baik kau pun kau tikam sebab nak lepas tangan, I think you need a wake up call.

Why can't you let go? bukan aku yang buat salah kat kau... If you're mad because I cursed you, fikir balik, don't you deserve that? Aku cakap dengan kau baik2, as matured as I could be and you stabbed my back without guilt. When I say, stabbed my back, aku rasa kau dan aku tahu what happened. Deny all you want, to save your ass, tapi akhirat nanti kau jawablah sendiri... Aku bukan nak judge of other bad things kau buat, but for the bad things you did to me... For the lies you've said. Kau boleh lari sekarang, but the truth will  always come out.

You've pushed me to my limit, and bare with it... Jangan berlagak baik, I know who you are. Kesian sangat dekat your bestfriend, because she has a friend like you, who's willing to use a bff as an excuse to save her own ass... And before you ask someone to open up their mind, buka minda kau dulu, dari dulu sampai sekarang hidup dalam penipuan and you keep running away... Denying all the truths, making up fake stories... Sangat kesian. Or maybe, the word gelabah, shud've been awarded to you... 

If you're reading, and you're mad, it's not my fault at all, its my blog and I write whatever I like, it is your choice to read and you're actually desperate to read what I've got to say... Now that you know, tolong jangan kacau hidup aku lagi, aku tak pernah sekali pun kacau hidup kau... Aku bahagia dengan Yan sekarang, and pls stop talking behind my back. Tak serik2... Kalau betul tak puas hati, cari aku face to face. Aku tak takut sebab aku tak pernah buat salah dgn kau. Get it? 

I've never oppressed you, there's no reason to do the same to me. 
Empathize beb, if you can't, if God's willing, Karma will teach you how... 

Apa2pun, I'm sorry for what I've said for the last 2 years, and just to let you know I've moved on, we've moved on, and I don't want anything to do with you anymore for the rest of my life. Cukuplah setakat sedara sesama Islam, pls move on too. 

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