Monday, July 11, 2011

ABC flavours, ABC sedap

Kalau tahu jalan ke Wangsa Maju, jalan straight lepas tol menuju ke Wangsa Walk, this is where the stall is located. It's not really a stall, more like on a lorry. But I can tell you, I am willing to go from Puchong to Wangsa Maju just for this ABC!!! :) It is so yummy, very tasty, pekat... And some more. they provide you with flavours if you want! Ada durian, mangga and more. I prefer ABC biasa. Memang terbaik ABC dia :) Kalau bosan tak tahu nak kemana, boleh la melepakkan diri makan ABC kat sini, ABC terbaik wok! ;p
Worth RM3 per cup. MUST TRY!

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