Friday, March 11, 2011

My Raya wasn't so dull

'aduhai... I miss few days back before today'

when i reached KL, he fetched me. then jalan2 jap, then he dropped me home. ok la, i was kinda tired so the fear hasn't really conquered me.
the next day, i woke up quite early. kemas2 rumah jap. basuh baju... then bagi kucing makan. i cooked. =D tapi simple2 thing je la. segera nye foods. ;p but still sedap kay? we ate breakfast and brought some for the friends too. happy sgt.

Malam tu pulak while waiting for my fam nak sampai rumah, kitaorg duduk at his friend's house. no one was home. so we sat outside. ade swing.. =) we swing ourselves for a while. malam tu banyak bintang.. boleh la. we were talking. suddenly my eyes were filled with tears. i had no idea why. i guess i love him too much by then. Lepas tu, we went to IOI, thought nak pegi dinner there. but it turned out dia nak makan Pizza and i wanted McD. we did not fight =)
Entah kenapa, i was kinda so sentimental that night, i was thinking of tapau pizza & McD then makan kat Taman Bukit. since kat sane ade spotlight :)
so, there we go. sweet sgt mase makan kat situ... ade few people practicing Wushu (if i spell that right??) but it was a silent night with stars and moonlight. i never had dinner kat taman with my boyfriend (belovedddd bf pulak tu) then lepas da kemas2, kitaorg lepak jap. He sang a song for me (under my request sebenarnye =p) but he sang "Ku Ingin Kamu" by Romance Band. So sweet till i cried. i dont know what to do if i lose him.

Baru hari tu rasenye stay up all night, teman dia buat assignment. afterward, we went for a drink kejap. tapi kejap2 pun, it was morning when we finally dah nak balik. then, i felt like keeping the motorbike. so, the plan was, i'll drop him at his friend's house then i'll go home. but i was afraid (silly? yea. but still ;p)

so i said, "awak, erm, teman saye balik boleh x? saye takut.."

"tapi awak nak pegang motor kan?"

"yaa, u can use other's motor maybe?"

he was like umm taking only sec to think and smile and said,

"it's okay sayang, i'll send u home using my friend's motorbike." so we do as he said. he's sweet.

i love him. :)

Esok tu i woke up late. i was like, "OhMiGod!" cuz i promised nak bawak breakfast to his friend's house. neway, i knew them all. so, even lambat, i guess it's ok. my mom helped me goreng macaroni.. my sister helped too. tak tahulah by then it's still called breakfast or lunch, but the main thing, im happy tgk org suka makan my cooking. haha. i tried real hard for it kay (even it's actually easy ;p)...
then kemas2 his bag cuz he's going back to Melaka by then (sedihnye ;( i dont want him to go back)

After da kemas2 semua, we talked. we used each precious sec preciously of course. hehe.
then, he dropped me home.
i really wanted him to stay tapi there's no way he can do that.
so, we kinda promised to wait for each other till we meet again (literally, that's what happen everytime we're apart. ;p)

i already miss him. urgh, sweet memories always help kan? im glad. =)

Heart Him.

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