Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pathetic much

It's pretty pathetic for a friend who says,"aku bukan baru kenal kau dow. Aku dah masak sangat dengan perangai kau! Pergi mampos la kau!" True, you've been friend for quite a long time tapi that doesn't mean you know that person very well. All you know was based on a thin slicing. If you really had known me for your bestfriend, you wouldn't accuse me without any proof. You would back me up till the truth doomed you.

Kelakar when someone buat status yang actually is really general and is obviously not pin-pointing on anyone and comes a friend yang sendiri terasa then balas balik status which is obviously pointing on us. Tak tahulah kau ade tulis,"dulu kau kene tampar dengan bf kau, aku jugak yang tolong kau.........." tu pointing on someone else? Berapa ramai orang kene tampar dengan bf yang kau tolong? Then straight mengungkit pulak tu. Wehh, orang berbudi kite berbahasa, aku bukannye x pernah balas jasa baik kau weyhhh. Bawak2 la berfikir sebelum nak menyembur. Buat malu diri sendiri je nanti.

My status was about a friend yang nak belajar. at the same time, wants to work. But when it comes to group works and all, buat kerja macam taik and tak datang discussion and gives a lot of excuses. Most appealing was that, dia lebih prioritized dia punye keje than group assignments. xkan nak markah free kot? Explanation xde, sorry xde, tup2 hilang... About report pun x concern dah hantar ke belum. Boleh tak duduk diam je kalau dapat groupmate macam tu? So I was saying kalau income is much more important, quit studying and keje. There'll be no hassle nak kejarkan dateline keje office and dateline assignment. We all pun student jugak, bukannye ade income pun boleh je survive? and the most important, tadela nak menyusahkan orang lain or groupmate sendiri.

So, yang nak angin2 buat apa kalau x betul? So kalau angin and terasa tu, betul la kan? I wasn't talking about you man, aduhai, tapi dah terasa, Gotchaaa!!! Then nak perang2 status. Sorry ar beb, I might be younger than you but I'm not childish as you are. And I did had a little respect for you, which vanished when you said,"Blah dari hidup aku!" ish, perfect sangat kah hidup kau?

Oh Gosh, friends. I just don't dare to comment anything on "friends". They can just be ANYTHING, literally.

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